

  1. Lattice protein design using Bayesian learning
    Tomoei Takahashi, George Chikenji and Kei Tokita
    Physical Review E, 104, 014404, 2021.7
  2. A Traffic Jam Model of Biological Evolution and Species Abundance Distribution Reviewed [Japanese]
    Kei Tokita, Jun Sato
    Proceedings of the 26th Symposium on Traffic Flow and Self-Driven Particles(26), 1-4, 2020.12
  3. Analysis of mathematical model of gut flora and its interaction matrix [Japanese]
    Yuma Taguchi, Kei Tokita
    RIMS Kokyuroku(2166), 72-76, 2020.7
  4. Population dynamics of ant-aphid system -Switching effect between mutualism and predation [Japanese]
    Atsuki Nakai, Kei Tokita
    RIMS Kokyuroku(2166), 54-58, 2020.7
  5. Detection of Social Bots: Quantification of Language Independent Features and Bot Clusters [Japanese]
    Masaki Sugimori, Kazutoshi Sasahara, Kei Tokita
    Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 2018, 1P2-05-1-1P2-05-4, 2018.6
  6. Relative species abundance of replicator dynamics with sparse interactions
    Tomoyuki Obuchi, Yoshiyuki Kabashima and Kei Tokita
    Journal of Statistical Mechanics, 113502, 2016.11
  7. Multiple peaks of species abundance distributions induced by sparse interactions
    Tomoyuki Obuchi, Yoshiyuki Kabashima and Kei Tokita
    Physical Review E, 94, 02231, 2016.8
  8. Dynamic stability and chaotic multispecies-coexistence in a food web model
    Kei Tokita
    Advances in Science, Technology and Environmentology (ASTE, Waseda University), 000, 2015.2
  9. Properties of ecosystems those are vulnerable during eco-fusion
    Katsuhiko Yoshida, Kei Tokita
    Scientific Reports, 5, 7939 2015.1
  10. Analytical theory of species abundance distributions of a random community model
    Kei Tokita
    Population Ecology 57, (1) 2015.1
  11. GPGPU simulations of 2D lattice neutral models in ecology
    Takeshi Oura and Kei Tokita
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series 454, 012038 (7pages) 2013.
  12. Species-area relationship for power-law species abundance distribution
    Haruyuki Irie and Kei Tokita
    International Journal of Biomathematics 5, 1260024 (9 pages) 2012.5
  13. Rank abundance relations in evolutionary dynamics of random replicators
    Yoshimi Yoshino, Tobias Galla and Kei Tokita
    Physical Review E 78, 031924 (1 pages) 2008.9
  14. Statistical mechanics and stability of a model eco-system
    Yoshimi Yoshino, Tobias Galla and Kei Tokita
    Journal of Statistical Mechanics P09003 (24 pages) 2007.9
  15. Statistical mechanics of relative species abundance
    Kei Tokita
    Ecological Informatics 1, 315-324 2006.11
  16. Species abundance patterns in complex evolutionary dynamics
    Kei Tokita
    Physical Review Letters 93, 178102 (4 pages) 2004.10
  17. Emergence of a complex and stable network in a model ecosystem with extinction and mutation
    Kei Tokita and Ayumu Yasutomi
    Theoretical Population Biology 63, 131-146 2003.
  18. Large-Dimensional Replicator Equations with Antisymmetric Random Interactions
    Tsuyoshi Chawanya and Kei Tokita
    Journal of Physical Society of Japan 71, ( 2) 429-431. 2002.
  19. Dynamical Equation Approach to Protein Design
    Kei Tokita, Macoto Kikuchi and Yukito Iba
    Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 138, 378-383 2000.


  1. Transformations of Social-Ecological Systems
    Sato, T., Chabay I., Heigeson, J. eds.(担当:共著)
    Springer 2019年1月
  2. 地域環境学
    佐藤哲 編, 菊地直樹 編(担当: 共著)
    東京大学出版会 2018年1月 ( ISBN:978-4-13-060320-1 )
  3. 岩波 生物学辞典 第5版
    巌佐庸・倉谷滋・斎藤成也・塚谷裕一(編集)(担当: 共著)
    岩波書店 2013年2月
  4. 数理科学事典
    現代数理科学事典編集委員会(担当: 共著)
    丸善 2009年12月 ( ISBN:978-4621081259 )
  5. 生物間ネットワークを紐とく
    大串 隆之 (編集), 難波 利幸 (編集), 近藤 倫生 (編集)(担当: 共著)
    京都大学出版会 2009年8月
  6. ネットワーク科学への招待
    青山秀明・相馬亘・藤原義久 共編著(担当: 共著)
    サイエンス社 2008年7月
  7. 進化経済学ハンドブック
    進化経済学会(編集)(担当: 共著)
    共立出版 2006年9月
  8. プラントミメティックス
    甲斐昌一 , 森川弘道, 鈴木泰博(編集)(担当: 共著)
    エヌ・ティー・エス 2006年8月
  9. 複雑系の構造と予測
    早稲田大学複雑系高等学術研究所 (編集)(担当: 共著)
    共立出版 2006年6月
  10. ゲーム理論のフロンティア
    松田裕之・池上高志(共編著)(担当: 共著)
    サイエンス社 2005年12月
  11. 生態学辞典
    巌佐 庸 (編集), 菊沢 喜八郎 (編集), 松本 忠夫 (編集), 日本生態学会 (編集)(担当: 共著)
    共立出版 2003年6月
  12. 複雑さの数理
    相澤洋二(監訳), 龍野正実, 時田恵一郎, 橋本敬, 秦浩起(訳)(担当: 共著)
    産業図書 2001年7月
  13. 脳科学大辞典
    甘利 俊一 (編集), 外山 敬介 (編集)(担当: 共著)
    朝倉書店 2000年4月
  14. Unifying Themes in Complex Systems
    Kei Tokita, et al.(担当: 共著)
    Perseus Books 2000年

International Conference

  1. Theory of Species Abundance Distribution of Evolutionary Dynamics
    Kei Tokita
    7th China-India-Japan-Korea International Conference on Mathematical Biology (CIJK 2019)
  2. Domain theoretical approach to boolean networks
    Shojiro Abe, Kei Tokita
    7th China-India-Japan-Korea International Conference on Mathematical Biology (CIJK 2019)
  3. Evolution of In-group Favoritism and Game Theoretical Analysis
    Taishu Murakami, Kei Tokita
    7th China-India-Japan-Korea International Conference on Mathematical Biology (CIJK 2019)
  4. Protein design using Bayesian learning
    Tomoei Takahashi, George Chikenji, and Kei Tokita
    7th China-India-Japan-Korea International Conference on Mathematical Biology (CIJK 2019)
  5. Dynamic theory of species abundance distributions
    Kei Tokita
    The 8th East Asian Federation of Ecological Societies International Congress
  6. Statistical mechanics of population dynamics
    Kei Tokita
    Seminar of Department of Physics, Inha University
  7. Overview of theoretical modeling on species abundance distribution
    Kei Tokita
    Seminar of Department of Physics, Inha University
  8. Species-abundance relationships in inferring pollution impacts on benthic macroinvertebrate communities in streams
    T.S. Chon, X.D. Qu, M.Y. Song, K. Tokita, Y.S. Park
    The International Society for Ecological Modelling Global Conference 2017
  9. Diversity, stability and the relative species abundance of replicator dynamics with complex interspecies interactions
    K. Tokita
    The international Society for Ecological Modelling Global Conference 2017
  10. Diversity, stability and the relative species abundance of replicator dynamics with complex interspecies interactions
    Kei Tokita
    6th China India Japan Korea Mathematical Biology Colloquim (CIJKMB)
  11. Theory of Species Abundance Distributions in Community Ecology
    Kei Tokita
    The 7th EAFES International Congress, Daegu, Korea
  12. The Science of Biodiversity: Theoretical Perspectives
    Kei Tokita
    The International Research Unit of Advanced Future Studies, Kyoto University
  13. Biological and social communications
    Kei Tokita
    Joint Conferenece of 2015 Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Mathematical Biology and 2015 5th China-Japan-Korea International Conference on Mathematical Biology (CJKICMB2012)
  14. Statistical mechanics of competitive exclusion of ecological communities
    Takeshi Oura and Kei Tokita
    Joint Conferenece of 2015 Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Mathematical Biology and 2015 5th China-Japan-Korea International Conference on Mathematical Biology (CJKICMB2012)
  15. Degree of interactions essentially changes relative species abundance
    Tomoyuki Obuchi, Yoshiyuki Kabashima and Kei Tokita
    Joint Conferenece of 2015 Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Mathematical Biology and 2015 5th China-Japan-Korea International Conference on Mathematical Biology (CJKICMB2012)
  16. Molecular mimicry model of autoimmune disease
    Kei Tokita, Megumi Masuda, Akira Sasaki
    Annual Meeting of Society for Mathematical Biology
  17. Statistical mechanics of evolutionary dynamics: an answer to the diversity-stability debate in community ecology
    Kei Tokita
    New Challenges in Complex System Science
  18. Spatially Explicit Neutral Model
    Kei Tokita and Takeshi Oura
    Joint Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Mathematical Biology and the Society for Mathematical Biology (JSMB/SMB2014)

And Others